Preston Woody is the owner of Saints Crown.
He is an Executive Coach and Speaker who specializes in physical discipline, psychological breakthrough, and spiritual health in Men.
In the last 10 years working with people; Preston has discovered that there is not just one reason for life's roadblocks. Preston specializes in attacking the issue on three different fronts simultaneously; spiritually, psychologically, and physically by developing private daily disciplines that take you to public cultural influence.
Preston is a SYMBIS Certified Marriage Mentor, Licensed Minister, and EverCoach Trained Coach.


"If you are like me, you feel like you are successful, are doing the right things, but you know there is another level that is there, but don’t quite know how to reach it. Preston has been a key resource in allowing me to reach these new levels in every area of my life - spiritually, relationships, fatherhood, health, finance and leadership." Ian Walker - Fort Worth

"Preston Woody is one of the most humble, powerful energies I’ve come in contact with up to this point in my short life of 25 years. I was unsure as to what to expect upon arriving at my first meeting." Hunter S - Fort Worth